Sun, 3 March 2019
March's "Spiritually Speaking" was on how we, as Orthodox Christians - called to be God's imagers in the world - can solve the problems of the world and end its pain. In this talk, Fr. Anthony looks at three strategies Christians use: the cultural warrior, the virtuous warrior, and the relationship builder. Enjoy the talk! |
Sun, 3 March 2019
Homily on the Sunday of the Last Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46). How do we miss seeing the need of the people around us? How do we not respond to them with love? It's tragic. But in Christ we CAN see them and we CAN respond to their need... with the One Thing Needful. [Want to know what a homily given right after a 12 hour (overnight) shift as part of the Trauma Team at the local hospital? This is it..]
Direct download: Homily-HowCouldWeNotSeeThemandtheirNeed.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 9:30am EST |