Sun, 22 May 2022
In this meditation, Fr. Anthony presents the Gospel of the Samaritan Woman as a model for acquiring the Holy Spirit, focusing on the need for continual repentance from sin and worldly explanations/definitions. Enjoy the show! |
Sat, 21 May 2022
We cover chapters three and four of Tito Caliander's "Way of Ascetics" (St. Vladimir Press), "On the Garden of the Heart" and "On the Silent and Invisible Warfare." Enjoy the show! |
Sat, 14 May 2022
We cover chapters one and two of Tito Caliander's "Way of Ascetics" (St. Vladimir Press), "On a Resolute and Sustained Purpose" and "On the Insufficiency of Human Strength." Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 8 May 2022
In this homily offered on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers (and Mother's Day!), Fr. Anthony offers an almost coherent meditation on how we need both rituals and grace to live a life of integrity and holiness. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: Homily-RitualsandPerseverence.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 9:11pm EDT |
Sun, 1 May 2022
St. Thomas Sunday. Fr. Anthony offers a meditation (hostage situation?!) on the circle of trust and how Christ works with our fallen psychology to draw us out of darkness into the light. |