Sun, 30 October 2022
In this homily on the Parable on the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), Fr. Anthony makes three points: that we are called to notice and care for the hungry and sick at our doorstep, that we are to called to notice and minister to all the suffering people in our midst (which is everyone) and that one of the best things to do is invite people to join us at the Eucharistic Feast. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 9 October 2022
2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1 ; Luke 7:11-16. After introducing perspective into the conversation about miracles, Fr. Anthony talks about the need for the mature Christian to move beyond using (just) the rules when seeking holiness and instead constantly looking and listening for opportunities for subtle repentance. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: Homily-HolinessBeautyandSubtleChanges.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 5:24pm EDT |
Sun, 2 October 2022
In this homily, Fr. Anthony continues to meditate on the meaning of the Cross. This time, he combines three concepts: the purpose of Christ's passion (to heal and save others, not himself), the fact that we are called to be Christ (with him in us and us in him) and the unity of Christians in and as Christ's body to challenge us to live sacrificially in service to others. Enjoy the show!
Category:Orthodox Podcast
-- posted at: 11:32am EDT