Mon, 2 September 2024
In this episode, we are taken through a teaching liturgy in its full length. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: 2024-09-01_-_Teaching_Liturgy_Full_Length.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:33pm EST |
Mon, 2 September 2024
Before the service. For the next hour or two you can relax, open yourself up, and be vulnerable; you can’t really do that at school or work; you may not even be able to do it with your friends. You certainly can’t do it on social media. But if you do it here, you open yourself up NOT to the risk of hurt or manipulation but to the love and transformational mercy of God. The words, hymns, and actions of the Divine Liturgy are the way that God has chosen to work with us to accomplish His will that “all be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.” Through these words, hymns, and actions, He will strengthen our hearts, heal our pain, and help us realize just how good it is to be alive. Today’s Liturgy is a Teaching Liturgy; I will be taking time at various points in the service in order to explain what is going on. Right now, I encourage you to strap in and prepare yourself for the powerful way God has chosen to meet and help us, His children: the Divine Liturgy. After the First Antiphon After the Second Antiphon. Before the Entrance After the “Holy God”, Before the Epistle After the Gospel Reading It can be a real drag to eat dinner together: we all have to set down our phones and pause our video games, leave the discord servers, and stop bingeing TikTok, YouTube, and Netflix! But the benefits are clear and this sacrifice is worth making. Even if it is the same thing pretty much every evening. It’s the same for the Divine Liturgy. There are always other things that seem more fun to do on Sunday mornings: video games, doom-scrolling, movies, sports, and how about just sleeping in and going to Waffle House for breakfast? But there is no better way to build resilience and a healthy identity – I mean to know who we are at the deepest level, even below ideology and whatever other attribute the world is trying to get us to obsess over at the moment – than to set all that stuff aside for a couple of hours and enjoy the meal that the Lord has set aside for us. Just like it’s okay for us to rather be doing something else at dinner time, it’s okay that part of us would rather be doing something else on Sunday morning. Part of growing up is learning to do what is good and right even when we’d rather be doing something fun and easy. That’s commitment. And commitment is both a critical component and a consequence of love. Before the Great Entrance and the Cherubic Hymn Before the Creed: The Kiss of Peace In the early Church, this would be the point in the service when everyone would greet one another with the “kiss of peace.” We symbolically offer this kiss of peace to one another as the priest says “Christ is in our midst” and everyone responds “He is and shall be.” After the Creed and before the Holy Anaphora This is not just some feeling that we cultivate – our salvation should never rely on something so unreliable as our feelings. God is not with us like some kind of imaginary friend or even just as a spirit whose presence cannot be known with the senses. He is actually with us. We have heard His words and we have sung His praises. Now we will do something that no mind can ever fully understand. It is hard enough for us to accept that the uncontainable and all-powerful God became fully human to be with and save us; it is an even greater mystery to understand why and how He – the God-man – decided to continue His salvific ministry to us by giving us His flesh to eat and His blood to drink in the Eucharistic Communion. This is how the God-man explained this to His followers back in the day; Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. (John 6: 53-55) And St. John, a witness to these events, then describes that “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” (John 6:66) Again, we cannot understand why or how the Lord has given us this method to accomplish our continuing transformation. It alternately mystifies, frightens, and humbles us. Without understanding, with the fear of God and with faith and love we join all of the saints from every place and age who have participated in this very same Communion – for there is only One Sacrifice. It is a Sacrifice that exists at the center of all our time and of all our space, a singularity that draws us towards it and through it and then on into something greater. Further up and further in! During the upcoming prayers, the priest will ask for the Holy Spirit to come upon all of us and on the gifts being offered. God reliably answers this prayer, changing the bread and wine into Christ-God’s flesh and blood. The miraculous transformation then continues as we follow His command – eating His flesh and drinking His blood. For this is no ordinary meal but the medicine of immortality that transforms us into something better, something eternal, and something glorious. So as to preserve the dignity of the Eucharistic Meal, I will not pause the service again until the end. Let us now enter into these, the most powerful prayers we know. Before the Dismissal Let me leave you with this final thought; How would you react if you found out your Army instructor was a Medal of Honor winner, your coach had won the Olympic gold, your medical school lecturer was a Nobel Prize winner, or your business school teacher was a member of the Fortune 500 who did it all from scratch? You’d pay more attention to their words. You’d have more respect for them and everything they said. You would not want to miss a single lesson. And the beauty is that you would become better by your extra attentiveness. Christ the Great Rabbi is here. Among us. Teaching us. Preparing us for paradise. We become better by attending to Him and all He teaches through His Church.
Direct download: 2024-09-01_-_Teaching_Liturgy.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:29pm EST |