
20100926  The Cross, Christianity and ET. Fr. Anthony describes the ontology of the Cross, shares some ET news and mail, and describes how various Christian theologians respond to the gauntlet thrown down by anti-Christians about the alleged incompatibility between Christian theology and the existence intelligent extra-terrestrial life. Enjoy!

Direct download: 20100926_Cross.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:57pm EST

20100905 Labor, Rest, Science, Religion, and the Compatibility of ET's and Christianity

In this show, Fr. Anthony describes the virtue of labor and rest; responds to some mail; talks about recent news involving science and religion (to include Hawking's statement about the irrelevancy of God); and responds to the claim that Christianity and the existence of intelligent Aliens are incompatible. Enjoy!
Shownotes at www.orthoanalytika.org
Direct download: 20100905_Gauntlet.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:56pm EST