
20101212  Fr. Anthony tells you to come to church, get healed, and stop using your religion against God; then he shares and comments on religious, paranormal, and science news; and provides three reasons why he doesn't like WikiLeaks. Enjoy!

Direct download: 20101217_Hypocrisy.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

20101208  In this edition, Fr. Anthony describes the unity and peace that are offered through Christ - and the shameful way we often treat that offering. After that, he conducts a long interview with Fr. James Early on topics ranging from Orthodoxy in Houston to ways we can help families with special needs. Shownotes are available at www.orthoanalytika.org. Enjoy!

Direct download: 20101208_Early.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:54pm EDT

20101203  In this episode, Fr. Anthony compares the armor of God to that of the modern soldier, arguing that it is designed to be worn in its entirety. He also answers some mail - to include questions about Stargazer and Fr. Vasily, and spends a lot of time on the news. The concluding "Vol'ya" moment has to do with the healthy (and unhealthy) things that differentiate UOC-USA parishes.

Direct download: 20101205_Armor.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT