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Nov 30, 2008

20081130  Now, like anyone who is away from their homeland, we never feel quite right where we are. There is always the nagging sense that we were made for something else, something better; that the world itself is not quite right. We try to satisfy that longing with various things; you know the litany.

Nov 23, 2008

20081123  What does it mean that “by grace you have been saved?” What is the role of “faith?” What is the role of “good works.” What, exactly, do we need to do to be saved? Just believe in Christ? Just be a good person, doing “good works”?

Nov 16, 2008

20081116  Today we have a foretaste and proof of something that you must always keep in your mind. Something that will bring comfort to you in sorrow and strength when you are weak: that Christ is coming to resurrect all the dead, that He comes to restore everyone to complete health of soul and body, and, at the same...

Nov 9, 2008

20081109  Living a Christian life involves more than confessing Christ as your Saviour. It even involves more than partaking of the Mysteries and prayers that He offers us through His Church. It involves developing and routinizing a way of life that is thoroughly grounded in His teaching, how else are we to become...

Nov 2, 2008

20081102  Why should we listen to St. Paul? Wasn’t he “just a man”? There are lots of teachers out there, many of whom teach a different, easier, version of the Gospel. Why treat his opinions as any more valuable than these others? Our generation is not the first tempted to trade St. Paul’s teachings about the...