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Sep 24, 2017

In this homily on The Parable of the Talents, Fr. Anthony discourages us from interpreting scripture in a way that would turn God into a monster.  He then argues that the point of the parable is to convince us of the need to do good in this world.  Enjoy the show!

Sep 21, 2017

This month (September 2017), the St. Sophia Seminary Library Book Discussion Group invited iconographer Lynette Hull to speak about "The Art of Seeing; Paradox and Perception in Orthodox Iconography" by Fr. Maximos Constas. Enjoy the show!

Sep 17, 2017

Why did Jesus pick "Love your God..." as the greatest commandment?  Fr. Anthony gives us three reasons: historical precedence, human flourishing, and that it prepares us to love one another (and ourselves).  Enjoy the show!