Sun, 27 December 2009
In this long lost archival episode, Fr. Anthony talks about the need to take up God on His invitation to His house; then interviews Demetra Perlegas, PhD, about chastity in relationships. |
Sun, 20 December 2009
In this long lost archival edition, Fr. Anthony talks about the gratitude of the Samaritan leper, share's St. Paul's lesson, talks about the news, and finishes with advice to seminarians. |
Sun, 13 December 2009
In this long lost archival episode, Fr. Anthony continues to present St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, talks about recent news, shares his top 30 paranormal movie picks, and exhorts everyone to quiet down and get ready for the Nativity. |
Sun, 29 November 2009
In this long lost archival episode, Fr. Anthony encourages everyone to join St. Paul in prison, goes over the scientific and international news, and explains why he is a priest in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
Sun, 22 November 2009
In this long lost archive edition, Fr. Anthony shares the steps needed to enjoy the fruits Christ promised to all who love Him. He also answers the mail about "Authentic" Ukrainian Christianity, the martyred priest, Daniel, the global warming e-mail scandal, and the paranormal. |
Sun, 15 November 2009
In this long lost archival edition of OrthoAnalytika, Fr. Anthony provides an apology for Baptismal Liturgies, shares some news from Ukraine, and describes how the Baptismal Liturgy he celebrated was structured. |
Sun, 8 November 2009
In this long lost archive edition, Fr. Anthony talks about what St. Paul's condemnation of the Judaizers has to do with us today; discusses news (including advice on how to react to H1N1); and provides a brief summary of the talk he gave on the Resurrection Prokimena. |
Sun, 1 November 2009
In this long lost archvie edisode of OrthoAnalytika, Fr. Anthony attempts to provide an Orthodox way to understand and thrive in a pluralistic world. He also briefly covers the news and gives a summary of the talk on spiritual warfare that he gave at the recent UOC-USA clergy conference. Rumors are that Pawlo snuck in a "bonus track" at the end of the show. |
Sun, 11 October 2009
In this long lost episode from the archives, Fr. Anthony talks about how to give up our tyrannical desire to control (or worry) and become the kind of "cheerful giver" that allows for salvation through Christ. He also talks about local news, autocephaly in Ukraine and America, and gadgets. Enjoy! |
Sun, 4 October 2009
In this long lost episode from the archives, Fr. Anthony answers mail about stigmata, 40 day memorials, crosses w/ crescents, and nostalgia. He also gives a preview of an upcoming talk on the Harmony of the Spheres and Prokemin, interviews a participant in the recent Pani Matka Retreat, and talks about a recent personal struggle. |
Sun, 27 September 2009
In this long lost episode from the archives, Fr. Anthony gives a homily on Light and Rationality; interviews Fr. Dn. Boris about his ordination; and gives a homily on the Cross and the meaning of suffering. Enjoy! |
Sun, 13 September 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony again asks us to listen to the real God - not the mundane one we have created, then he answers the mail, talks about the news, and ends with a discussion of equilibria and Afghanistan. NOTE: this one runs a bit long!
Direct download: 20090913_Feasting_GI_Joe_and_Afghanistan.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 6 September 2009
This week I talk about how we act as the vinedressers in the parable of St. Matthew 21:33-42; then answer the mail about discernment and culture, podcasts, and curses; he was going to talk about a lot more... but ran out of time! |
Sun, 30 August 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony explores why St. Paul worries that our faith might be "in vain", then talks about the news, some movies (Haunting in Connecticut and Caprica), and how we need to sanctify both ourselves and our communities.
Direct download: 20090830__Vanity_and_Communitarianism.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 23 August 2009
In this podcast, Fr. Anthony continues with his lessons on St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, answering the question "what does clergy compensation have to do with humility?"; then answers the mail; talks a little about his personal health care decisions; discusses local news; then finishes with some of his thoughts on nostalgia and evangelism.
Direct download: 20090823__Principle_Symphonia_and_Nostalgia.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 16 August 2009
In this edition I talk about bishops in the context of St. Paul's 1st letter to the Corinthians, then answer the mail, then interview Mark Meschisen about his recent missionary trip to Ukraine. Enjoy! |
Sun, 9 August 2009
In this episode, Fr. Anthony stresses the need to build your body-temple well; answers mail about autocephaly, scripture, and health care; guest hosts Pawlo's segment on Living Green; talks a bit about local goin's on; and finishes with his thoughts on what the flap over Confederate Birthers really means for us.
Direct download: 20090809__Temples_Three_Little_Pigs_and_Confederate_Birthers.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 2 August 2009
In this edition I talk about the need for unity, interview diaconal candidate Sbdn. Borislav, listen to Pawlo talk about ways to conserve water (outhouses!?), and rant about health care, zoning, and autocephaly. |
Sun, 26 July 2009
Because I was at the UOL Convention over the weekend, this edition follows a different format: in place of a homily/lesson, I talk about my calling to the priesthood. It also includes an interview with Yuri Hladio, a young Orthodox Christian man from Canada; and the next in Pawlo "Zhitozalenko" Amerikanchuk's series on "Living Green". |
Sun, 19 July 2009
In this edition: Stubbornness and even anger can be a virtue, but only if they are used to defend the right thing. Which standard are you rallying around - if it isn’t the Cross of Christ, then you are defending the wrong hilltop! Also: Pawlo talks about how to be a better steward of time and Fr. Anthony talks about the goings-on in Woonsocket.
Sun, 12 July 2009
In this edition Fr. Anthony compares confessing Christ to confessing your doctor's prognosis. Pawlo calls in his Green Segment and talks about sound. Fr. Anthony finishes up this edition talking about the local and national news. Enjoy!
Sun, 5 July 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony celebrates Independence Day, introduces a new segment, "Living Green w/ Pawlo", and talks about the news. |
Sun, 28 June 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony gives a homily on the "Lamp of the Eye" and "Serving Two Masters" (St. Matthew 6: 22-33); then goes on to develop this theme and how faulty vision affects our lives, our parishes, and our country. Enjoy! |
Sun, 14 June 2009
Fr. Anthony talks about the need to be charitable regarding the intentions of those who hurt and offend us; and then extends his views on the instrumentality of historical symbols to include melodies (and in particular the Western Christian standard: "For all the saints").
Direct download: 20090614__For_all_the_Saints.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 7 June 2009
Fr. Anthony talks about the utility of God's language, how to learn it, and shares some of the music from Sunday's Liturgy and Kneeling Vespers service.
Direct download: 20090607__Pentecost_and_the_Language_of_Love.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 31 May 2009
This edition talks about the perfect communication between Christ and His Father; and uses the metaphor of the war deployment to help us understand how we can have joy in difficult times. During the last half of the podcast, Fr. Anthony talks about living green and looking for vacation homes. |
Sun, 24 May 2009
On this edition, the homily touches on the themes of blindness (Gospel lesson), language (Sts. Cyril and Methodius), and sacrifice (Memorial Day), but the real feature is the music from the Divine Liturgy. The consensus favorite? The Paschal Tropar near the end will have you bouncing with the tenors/basses as thy sing "the tombs" (FWIW, there are several good Ukrainian versions of this tropar in both Ukrainian and English). Enjoy!
Direct download: 20090524__Blindness_Language_Sacrifice_and_Music.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 10 May 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony talks about how we should want more than the muddy water the world offers us; the news on the AF/PK COIN, increases in unwed births, and post-Paschal habits; a discussion of Orthodox historiography; and an interview with Pawlo Amerikanchuk on the history and culture of the Autonomous Cossack Sich of Rusivka. |
Sun, 3 May 2009
After a brief talk on sanctification via mundane works, Fr. Anthony talks about the recent consecration at St. Nicholas in C'ville, VA, the insurgency in Pakistan, and the HINI virus.
Direct download: 20090503__Myrrhbearers_Sunday.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 26 April 2009
In this podcast, Fr. Anthony talks about the need for belief in something real; and continues his conversation with Pawlo Amerikanchuk about life in the Autonomous Sich of Rusivka (the Capital of All-Rus).
Direct download: 20090426__St._Thomas_and_Q__A_w__Pawlo_Amerikanchuk.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 19 April 2009
In this episode, Fr. Anthony interviews an Ukrainian Orthodox, Pavlo Amerkanchuk, from a longstanding settlement of Ukrainian Cossacks in the Appalachians. He shares a bit about the history of Ukrainian immigration to the Appalachians and sings a traditional cossack Easter song. |
Sun, 12 April 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony contrasts the worldly view of church with what it looks like in the light of Christ. Then he answers some questions on Church unity, the rite of Churching, and whether we can get sick from Communion. The show ends with a short plug on how much there is to love about Lent. |
Sun, 5 April 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony talks about Ukrainian culture, St. Mary of Egypt and the need for repentance, what the Annunciation teaches us about the value of unborn life, the politics of Church unification, and his return from Afghanistan.
Direct download: 20090405__Culture_Unity__St._Mary_of_Egypt.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 29 March 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony talks about belief, local news, and how singing with a friend in Afghanistan reaffirmed his belief in Christ and His Church. |
Sun, 22 March 2009
In this podcast I discuss the deals we make with the devil, share some local Lenten music, discuss the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan, go over some of the material from this past week's parish and seminary classes***, and share the latest installment about meeting God in Afghanistan. I hope you enjoy it!
Direct download: 20090322__Of_Whom_are_YOU_Ashamed_.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 15 March 2009
In this podcast, I discuss the encounter of the paralytic with Christ and how it informs our own; talk about international, national, and local news; and finish with the beginning of a series on my Lent in Afghanistan.
Direct download: 20090315__Where_do_You_meet_God_.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 8 March 2009
In this podcast, I describe encounters with Christ, ranging from Nathaniel, to Volodymyr, to Woonsocket, to three young Muslims who visited St. Michael's this past Sunday.
Direct download: 20090308__Encounters_with_Christ.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 1 March 2009
Part I: A world made in Love rewards forgiveness with happiness (now and forever). Part II: Kyivan notions of stewardship were informed by its agrarian paganism; what is ours informed by? |
Sun, 22 February 2009
Gravity and the consequence of poor decisions. |
Sun, 8 February 2009
Scientific Support for Humility: in this parable, God describes how humility is blessed and how pride is not.
Direct download: 20090208__Publican_and_the_Pharisee.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 1 February 2009
Jesus’ message of forgiveness was radical; designed to restore community to Himself as God, and through this; restore community among all God-fearing people. |
Sun, 25 January 2009
In this episode, Fr. Anthony riffs on St. Paul's claim to the first among sinners. |
Sun, 18 January 2009
The importance of Baptism in the Christian life.
Direct download: 20090118__Baptizing_the_World.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 11 January 2009
I believe that honest seekers will always end up at Christ. His presence, indeed the reality of the entire Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), are so foundational that they cannot help but infiltrate every system of philosophy, every religion; and pull on every human heart.
Direct download: 20090111__Following_the_Star_-_what_will_they_find_.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 4 January 2009
Why do we read the geneology of Christ the Sunday before Nativity? Fr. Anthony tries to explain. |