Sun, 29 November 2009
In this long lost archival episode, Fr. Anthony encourages everyone to join St. Paul in prison, goes over the scientific and international news, and explains why he is a priest in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
Sun, 22 November 2009
In this long lost archive edition, Fr. Anthony shares the steps needed to enjoy the fruits Christ promised to all who love Him. He also answers the mail about "Authentic" Ukrainian Christianity, the martyred priest, Daniel, the global warming e-mail scandal, and the paranormal. |
Sun, 15 November 2009
In this long lost archival edition of OrthoAnalytika, Fr. Anthony provides an apology for Baptismal Liturgies, shares some news from Ukraine, and describes how the Baptismal Liturgy he celebrated was structured. |
Sun, 8 November 2009
In this long lost archive edition, Fr. Anthony talks about what St. Paul's condemnation of the Judaizers has to do with us today; discusses news (including advice on how to react to H1N1); and provides a brief summary of the talk he gave on the Resurrection Prokimena. |
Sun, 1 November 2009
In this long lost archvie edisode of OrthoAnalytika, Fr. Anthony attempts to provide an Orthodox way to understand and thrive in a pluralistic world. He also briefly covers the news and gives a summary of the talk on spiritual warfare that he gave at the recent UOC-USA clergy conference. Rumors are that Pawlo snuck in a "bonus track" at the end of the show. |