
We live in a fantasy world. A world in which there is no need for us to change. But we are not well, we are simply deluded. May the Lord God protect us from the Pharisee in our minds that wants to tell us lies about ourselves and our neighbors and give us the humility – and through that the justification - of the Publican.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20180128-PublicandPharisee.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 1:28pm EST

In edition to finishing up the Book of Numbers, we start a three part series addressing the brutality of the cleansing and taking of the Promised Land.  It's a tough topic.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20180123-BS-Transjordan.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 9:54pm EST

From Youngstown, OH.  This was the Sunday after Theophany, Zacchaeus Sunday, and the day after Volodymyr and Gennie Esther's wedding.  This homily claims they are all connected.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20180121-AfterTheophany.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

On this day, the Church celebrates the Resurrection(like every Sunday) and the Circumcision of Christ (the 8th day after the Nativity) and begins preparing for the celebration of the Baptism of Christ (the Sunday before Theophany).  In this homily, Fr. Anthony connects the dots between them all.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20180114-Circumcision.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:57pm EST