Sun, 31 May 2009
This edition talks about the perfect communication between Christ and His Father; and uses the metaphor of the war deployment to help us understand how we can have joy in difficult times. During the last half of the podcast, Fr. Anthony talks about living green and looking for vacation homes. |
Sun, 24 May 2009
On this edition, the homily touches on the themes of blindness (Gospel lesson), language (Sts. Cyril and Methodius), and sacrifice (Memorial Day), but the real feature is the music from the Divine Liturgy. The consensus favorite? The Paschal Tropar near the end will have you bouncing with the tenors/basses as thy sing "the tombs" (FWIW, there are several good Ukrainian versions of this tropar in both Ukrainian and English). Enjoy!
Direct download: 20090524__Blindness_Language_Sacrifice_and_Music.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Sun, 10 May 2009
In this edition, Fr. Anthony talks about how we should want more than the muddy water the world offers us; the news on the AF/PK COIN, increases in unwed births, and post-Paschal habits; a discussion of Orthodox historiography; and an interview with Pawlo Amerikanchuk on the history and culture of the Autonomous Cossack Sich of Rusivka. |
Sun, 3 May 2009
After a brief talk on sanctification via mundane works, Fr. Anthony talks about the recent consecration at St. Nicholas in C'ville, VA, the insurgency in Pakistan, and the HINI virus.
Direct download: 20090503__Myrrhbearers_Sunday.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |