
In today's class, Fr. Anthony talks about some of the practical considerations surrounding death.  One of the most useful things he recommends is to fill out a "Five Wishes" packet.  The class was offered with thanks to David Murphy for providing the outline.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20230326-ClassonDeath.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 7:52pm EDT

In this homily on St. Mark 9:17-31, offered on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, Fr. Anthony says something or other about exorcisms, fasting, and the Resurrection.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20230326-HomilyonSomething.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 6:05pm EDT

Today Fr. Anthony offers a class on ecclesiology, focusing on the various clerical ranks and their purpose.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: Class-Ecclesiology.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 8:44pm EDT

Homily from the Great Lenten Sunday of the Cross (Hebrews 4:14-5:6; Mark 8:34-9:1).  Fr. Anthony offers a meditation on ways that we can take up our cross and follow Christ.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: Homily-CrossandGrace.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 8:38pm EDT

Fr. Anthony continues taking us through Tito Coliander's Way of Ascetics (SVS Press), covering chapter twenty, "On Fasting" and twenty-one, "One the Avoidance of Extravagance."  It's also an opportunity to hear what happens when a teacher runs out of both energy and intellect.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: WayofAscetics-20-21.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 8:34pm EDT

Hebrews (1:10-2:3) and Mark. (2:1-12).  The Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas.  Fr. Anthony offers a reflection on the need for quiet (and for holy friends).  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: Homily-PalamasandQuiet.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 4:23pm EDT

Today, Fr. Anthony continues introducing the class to the basics of Orthodoxy, talking about the cycles of worship and how they redeem the time.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: Class-RedeemingtheTime.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 3:57pm EDT

Fr. Anthony continues taking us through Tito Coliander's Way of Ascetics (SVS Press), covering chapter nineteen; "On the Bodily and Mental Accompaniments of Prayer."  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: WayofAscetics-19.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:44pm EDT

In today's class, Fr. Anthony talks about faith and about the essential theology that Orthodox Christians need to commit themselves to.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: Class-OrthodoxFaith.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 6:15pm EDT

John 1: 43-51.  Today Fr. Anthony demonstrates the challenge of pollen and sudafed-affected thinking, offering a meditation on the ease of doing theology wrong (as the iconoclasts did), the importance of finding a source we can trust (e.g. the Church and its Divine Liturgy), and of letting the Church's way of discerning become our way.  Enjoy the show.

Direct download: Homily-TriumphofOrthodoxy.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 6:07pm EDT

This evening, Fr. Anthony continues taking us through Tito Coriander's Way of Ascetics (SVS Press), focusing on chapter eighteen "On Prayer."  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: WayofAscetics-18.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 8:48pm EDT