Sun, 30 May 2021
In this homily on the encounter of Christ with the Samaritan woman (St. Photini) at the well, Fr. Anthony encourages us to drink deeply of the Living Water and eat the food that nourishes the Body. The latter is a call to do the will of the God in sharing the Gospel. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: Homily-LivingWaterandHiddenSustenance.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Wed, 26 May 2021
Justin Shaun Coyle, PhD, (Mount Angel Seminary, outside Portland, OR; Ukrainian Catholic) and Fr. Anthony talk about life in New England, the joy of NC BBQ, and how studying the works of serious atheist philosophers can help develop an instinct for charity and pastoral evangelism. Enjoy the show! |
Mon, 24 May 2021
Fr. Harry Linsinbigler talks with Fr. Anthony about the moving, standing, kneeling, and sitting postures of prayer and worship that Orthodoxy prescribes, some of the confusion that surrounds them, and what they do for the believers who participate in them. The article they discuss is found at Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 23 May 2021
Sunday of the Paralytic In this hostage situation homily, Fr. Anthony talks about how Orthodoxy can transform the whole person and how our habits of body and mind can either work against or in support of that process. He also managed to talk about concealed and open carry. Hey, it's North Carolina! Enjoy the show! |
Wed, 19 May 2021
Join Fr. Harry Linsinbigler and Fr. Anthony Perkins as they (mainly) talk about the actual formula decided on at Nicea, why it was important, and where we are now (hint: we are completely in compliance!). There's also a tangental gem on the Masoretic vs. Septuagint Old Testament. Fr. Harry has (mostly) recovered from his bout with COVID and he and Fr. Anthony are still basking in the Paschal Glow. Enjoy the show! NOTE: the original recording was truncated during the upload (thanks for the head's up, Dave!). It's better now. |
Thu, 13 May 2021
Dru Johnson is an associate professor of biblical and theological studies at The King’s College in New York City, director of the Center for Hebraic Thought , editor at The Biblical Mind, host of the The Biblical Mind podcast, and co-host of the OnScript Podcast. Before that, he was a high-school dropout, skinhead, punk rock drummer, combat veteran, IT supervisor, and pastor. Dru is an ordained minister and accomplished academic, with several articles and books, to include Biblical Philosophy – A Hebraic Approach to the Old and New Testaments, Biblical Knowing: A Scriptural Epistemology of Error, Epistemology and Biblical Theology: from the Pentateuch to Mark’s Gospel, and my favorites, Human Rites: The Power of Rituals, Habits, and Sacraments, and Knowledge by Ritual: A Biblical Prolegomenon to Sacramental Theology. You can find out more about him at and his page. Join us as we talk about why military induction is and should be so thoroughly ritualized, what rituals do, how to evaluate then, and the danger of over-symbolizing them. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 9 May 2021
John 20:19-31. It is often said that we are saved in community. Today Fr. Anthony offers a meditation on the interrelation of community, trust (faith), and Truth. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: Homily-TruthFaithandCommunity.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |