
The rapture: why are people excited about it and what's it all about?  Why is the Church facing hard times and how can/should it respond?  Fr. John Peck and I talk about these things, an alternative approach to catechizing and doing missions, and the best Nicolas Cage movies on THIS exiting episode - enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20140929-Rapturemania.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 4:38pm EST

Before he was Orthodox and before he was a priest, Fr. Maximos worked with the biggest names in the paranormal: Ed and Lorrain Warren (of The Amityville Horror and The Conjuring fame/infamy) and John Zaffis (Haunted Collector).  We talk about his relationship with them, our opinions on blessed and cursed items, and the need for skepticism.  We warm up by discussing the new mission he serves and the priestly vocation.  Questions?  father.anthony@yahoo.com

Direct download: 20140901-FrMaximos.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 6:56pm EST