
20110429  Pawlo's Greatest Hits.

All Pawlo, All the Time

In this episode, I prolong my break from discussing things like nephilim, singularities, and the immortality of the soul in order to do what sitcoms do during writer's strike:  a best-of/flashback show.  The size of our audience has really grown over the last year, so many of you have not heard of Pawlo Amerikanchuk.  In this show, our crack sound editor found and compiled all the interviews and phone-ins that we had with Pawlo.  I know you are going to enjoy it!



Direct download: 20110429-Pascha.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 10:38pm EST

This show departs from the usual format.  It presents some of the sounds of Lent and Holy Week as they were voiced at St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket this year.  Homilies from the Sundays of Saint John of the Ladder, Saint Mary of Egypt, and the Entry of Lord into Jerusalem are interspersed. 

Direct download: 20110420-Lent.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 3:37pm EST