Sun, 25 July 2021
In this homily on the Demoniacs of Gergesenes (Matthew 8:28-9:1), Fr. Anthony contrasts the discernment of the disciples and the discernment of the Gergesenes with the vision of Christ. He talks about the role worldviews, filters, propaganda, and evil forces of the air play in darkening our vision, warns about replacing our worldly filter with an Orthodox one, and describes how only the clear vision of Christ will allow us to understand and serve the needs of the moment. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: HomilyonDiscernmentandKentuckyWindage.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 3:03pm EST |
Sat, 24 July 2021
Fr. Anthony talks frankly with Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD about how the selection and training of priests affect the quality of priestly ministry. Narcissism, the built-in preference for agreeableness - it's all grist for the mill. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 18 July 2021
Romans 6:18-23; Matthew 8:5-13. Words fail us when we try to describe God and our relationship with Him. Metaphor helps, but it can also set us up for failure, even when it is a good one like Christ is the Great Physician (something that the scriptures prove to be literally true). Enjoy the show!
Sun, 11 July 2021
Matthew 6:22-33, Romans 5:1-10. Homily on the reasons for our hope (as presented by St. Paul and Christ God Himself). Enjoy the show!
Direct download: Homily_on_Living_Well_in_Hard_Times.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 2:23pm EST |
Sun, 11 July 2021
Fr. Anthony talks again with Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, the Canonist for the UOC-USA about what the Canons say (and don't say!) about clergy attire, hair, and beards. They make the case that, unless their bishops say otherwise, priests can adjust to what they discern is best going to meet the needs of the Gospel where they are. A bonus: you can hear just how bad Fr. Anthony is at liturgical math! Enjoy the show!
Wed, 7 July 2021
Join Fr. Anthony as he talks with Dn. Timothy Kelleher about his roles on Independence Day and Star Trek - the Next Generation (he was also on Voyager and Enterprise), and how good storytelling is always evangelical. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 4 July 2021
After a sermonette on St. Pauls' words about the consciences of the Gentiles being the functional equivalent of the Law for the Jews, Fr. Anthony share the UOC-USA Episcopal Letter for US Independence Day. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: UOC-USA_IndependenceDay_2021.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |