Sun, 31 December 2017
In this homily, given on the Sunday before the Nativity in 2017, Fr. Anthony explains why Jesus (i.e. Joshua) is the name the Angel of Great Counsel gives for the Incarnate Christ. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 24 December 2017
It is both the second Sunday before the Nativity and, at least for most of our neighbors, the day before the Nativity. In this homily Fr. Anthony talks about why we remember our Forefathers on this day and gives us advice on how to make peace the center of our pattern. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 17 December 2017
Was Jesus Christ really born on the 25th of December? It's an interesting question, but the real confusion is not about the day the Virgin Mary miraculously delivered the baby Jesus in a humble stable in Jerusalem but about the day when Christ was actually brought into being. In this homily Fr. Anthony shares the mystery of a God begotten before all ages born as a baby in Bethlehem. Enjoy the show! |
Tue, 12 December 2017
In this episode Fr. Anthony shares the scriptures that describe why Balaam, a prophet who said things that were true, is still a false prophet of God. Enjoy the show! |
Wed, 6 December 2017
We finish up Numbers 21 by talking about missing books of the Bible and the defeat of two giants: King Sihon of the Ammorites and Og of Bashan. Why do we celebrate these victories every Sunday and Feast Day? Enjoy the show! |
Tue, 28 November 2017
This week we have a special guest and friend of the podcast, Rev. Michael Landsman, the pastor at Zion Stone UCC in Northampton, PA. He takes us through Numbers 21, focusing primarily on the fiery serpents and the bronze serpent God had Moses to heal their poisonous bites. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 26 November 2017
The lesson is that we need to have the courage and compassion to love all people that are in need; even those who are different from us. But if that was the main point, why not make the Samaritan the one on the roadside? Why did Jesus make him the one who saves the victim? Enjoy the show! |
Tue, 21 November 2017
After reviewing some of OT insights regarding the day's feast (St Michael), Fr. Anthony uses Numbers 15-18 as a chance to talk about unintentional sin, the cost of going against God, and the epic battles of censors and wooden rods (with the winners being proven worthy of the priesthood). What does it all mean? Enjoy the show! As always, Fr. Anthony's lecture notes are available at |
Sun, 19 November 2017
Orthodoxy is a rational faith, we do not have to “leave our minds at the door.”, but as with our feelings, our minds need to be trained. In order to be trained, first they need need to stripped of all nonsense and lies so that all our thoughts can be true. We need to allow something that is beyond our understanding live in the temple of our hearts. To the extent we value control and understanding over the Truth, we will not be able to make this change. Then it will not be Christ that lives within and motivates us, it will be our own pride. And that pride, that control, that understanding cannot bring us joy, salvation, or eternal life.
Direct download: 20171119-RaisingofJariusDaughter.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Fri, 17 November 2017
Listen as Nicholas Kotar talks about the benefits of using fairly tales to teach and evangelize and how he does this in his book, The Song of the Sirin. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: 20171116-SongoftheSirinBookDiscussion.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:31pm EST |
Tue, 14 November 2017
In this episode on Numbers 13-14 (the recon of Canaan), Fr. Anthony demonstrates what happens when a man who has a fever and can't think straight tries to lead a Bible Study (and forgets to follow his notes). If you want coherence, the notes are at If you like stream of consciousness, then this episode is for you! Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 5 November 2017
Communism brought great evil to the world, but it did not create it out of scratch; it pulled it from our own hearts. How should we respond to the evil in the world? To the evil in our own hearts? Note: It was the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, not the 75th (Fr. Anthony is math challenged). |
Tue, 31 October 2017
Special Bible Study given on Halloween (N.S.); what does the Bible say about ghosts? You might be surprised! |
Sun, 29 October 2017
What is the one thing needful? What is sin? How is being a good human like working at a corporation? Today's homily helps answer those questions. Enjoy the show! |
Wed, 25 October 2017
These are the notes from the teaching Divine Liturgy we celebrated for our children and youth (of all ages!) on 10/22/17. Enjoy the show! |
Wed, 25 October 2017
Who is Christ? Why did He suffer and die for us who could nothing for him in return? This isn't a "live" recording (the recorder cut out too early), but a (fairly dull) reading of the homily notes. Enjoy! |
Wed, 25 October 2017
In this class, Fr. Anthony talks about the ambiguity of names in the Bible and why people get hurt when they go against God's will (e.g. the the burning of part of the camp, the quail plague, and Miriam's leprosy). We had to use our back-up recording which doesn't pick up the audience well (please forgive; the recorder's battery died mid-class). |
Fri, 20 October 2017
Why might an Orthodox Christian read The Shack? Why might it better not to? Fr. Anthony shares and evaluates many of the critiques of the The Shack, putting it within the context of evangelism. Enjoy the show! |
Wed, 11 October 2017
How (not) to make the Bible say the opposite of what it means. Examples from Numbers on how to draw out Scripture's deeper meaning. |
Sun, 8 October 2017
What does it mean to become a "fisher of men"? How is it heroic? Homily on St. Luke 5:1-11 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-11.
Direct download: 20171008-FishinginChaoticWaters.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 8:16pm EST |
Fri, 6 October 2017
What is Leviticus good for? In what way(s) is Christ a scapegoat? This and more in tonight's Bible Study (20171003). |
Sun, 1 October 2017
In this homily for the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross, Fr. Anthony talks about what it means to "deny yourself" and follow Christ and why doing it wrong can cost a man his soul. |
Sun, 24 September 2017
In this homily on The Parable of the Talents, Fr. Anthony discourages us from interpreting scripture in a way that would turn God into a monster. He then argues that the point of the parable is to convince us of the need to do good in this world. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: 20170924-TheMomentumofVirtue.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 1:35pm EST |
Thu, 21 September 2017
This month (September 2017), the St. Sophia Seminary Library Book Discussion Group invited iconographer Lynette Hull to speak about "The Art of Seeing; Paradox and Perception in Orthodox Iconography" by Fr. Maximos Constas. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 17 September 2017
Why did Jesus pick "Love your God..." as the greatest commandment? Fr. Anthony gives us three reasons: historical precedence, human flourishing, and that it prepares us to love one another (and ourselves). Enjoy the show!
Direct download: 20170917-ThePrimaryDirective.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 4:17pm EST |
Tue, 29 August 2017
In this episode, Fr. Anthony describes (and acts out, although you'll just have to imagine that) the Gospel in terms of the breaking down of the wall we have built up between us, Him, and our inheritance. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 20 August 2017
Today Fr. Anthony read the Bishops' statement denouncing the events in Charlottesville specifically and racism more generally. A head's up: at the end he meant to say "differences", not "divisions". Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 6 August 2017
The theme of this year's "Mommy & Me; Daddy & Me" encampment at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp was "Champions of the Faith." In this talk, Fr. Anthony shares his thoughts on heroism, dragon slaying, and how we can use the power of Christ to tame chaos and bring order to our lives and relationships with others. Enjoy the show! |
Sun, 6 August 2017
St. Paul compares living well to building a house. In this (short Summer) homily, Fr. Anthony explains what St. Paul meant and why it is such Good News. |
Sun, 30 July 2017
In today's Gospel, we hear how Christ fed the multitudes by multiplying two fishes and five loaves. In this homily, Fr. Anthony offers three Christian (and political economic) strategies for feeding the world. |
Sun, 23 July 2017
In this episode, Fr. Anthony challenges Christians to call down grace from above by "bearing the burdens" of the weak. Enjoy the show! |
Fri, 21 July 2017
Fr. Anthony argues that those who claim that Christians have to pretend that wolves are sheep make a mockery of the Gospel and open their communities to predation. Sorry about the poor audio quality! |
Fri, 21 July 2017
It figures that a priest would pick "The Prayer Book" as his favorite book, right? Listen as Fr. Anthony makes a case for breathing life into the prayers in the prayer book on a regular basis. One of the many benefits is that it will make the Orthodox worldview (the myth that is true!) real in your life and thus allow you to live more efficiently. Let us know what you think! |
Sun, 9 July 2017
In this episode, Fr. Anthony gives a short Summer homily on St. Paul's message to believe and accept the gift of salvation. |
Sun, 25 June 2017
This is a recording of the homily from the third Sunday after Pentecost, 2017 (Romans 5:1-10 and Matthew 6:22-33). In it, Fr. Anthony underscores the reliable of Christ and St. Paul as teachers and focuses on three themes in today's readings: that life is hard; that things are going to get better; and that we need to trust God and The Way.
Sun, 18 June 2017
Homily given on 18 June 2017. On gratitude, the fruitful ground of Rus-Ukraine, and our call to imitate the heroic valor and commitment to Christ of St. Volodymyr. Sorry about the audio quality (I used my phone). |
Sun, 18 June 2017
Fr. Anthony Perkins discusses Nikolai Gogol's "Meditations on the Divine Liturgy". The talk was part of both the St. Sophia Seminary Library Book of the Month Club and the Sacred Music Retreat. He gave the talk on 15 June 2017. |
Sun, 18 June 2017
Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay (St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma OH) provides examples of and discusses Ukrainian Orthodox Worship music from the past several centuries. This talk was given at the Sacred Music Retreat at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary (S. Bound Brook, NJ) on 14 June 2017.
Direct download: PDIhor-UkrainianMusicAppreciation.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 6:49pm EST |
Wed, 14 June 2017
Fr. Silouan Rolando( talks about the history of Ukrainian worship music. Lecture recorded 6/13/17 at the Sacred Music Retreat, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary.
Direct download: FrSilouan-HistoryofUkrainianChant_-_61417_6.10_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30pm EST |
Wed, 14 June 2017
In this lecture, Fr. Anthony Perkins uses Genesis One to explain what music is, what it reveals to us about God and our relationship with Him, and why liturgy is so important for our health and that of the world. This lecture was recorded at the 2017 Sacred Music Retreat at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ on 12 June 2017. |