
Today's show addresses the questions of Lenten Paleo fasting, whether NDE's are proof of the soul etc., and what everyone should do to be prepared for the most likely emergencies.  I also talk about fun and transformative lenten disciplines like fasting, meditation, and walking.  Enjoy the show!

Direct download: 20130325-PPPwPP.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Taking a page from Jack Spirko's playbook (The Survival Podcast), I recorded this episode in the car.  The Men in Black stole the last 45 minutes of it, but it still includes about an hour on the fire that all but destroyed our temple on the feast of St. Michael, 2012. Enjoy!

Direct download: 20130315-fire.mp3
Category:Orthodox Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST